Summit push is on

zontarEverest 2009

After a long time down low, it was time to come back up and do what I came to do–climb the mountain.

My cough is amazingly better, thanks to drugs provided by Torie, one of the docs at the BC clinic. I wouldn’t have believed my throat could be this much better after less than 24 hours! I should have gone there before heading downhill (sometimes I think I know more than I do).

Here’s the schedule: 5/16 rest at BC, 5/17 BC to C2, 5/18 rest at C2, 5/19 C2 to C3, 5/20 C3 to C4, 5/21 C4 to summit to C4.

After that, it’s a matter of clearing my gear from the mountain. I’ll tell you in advance, I might pay for some Sherpa help to do this as I’ll likely be quite exhausted!

With my cough under control, I feel ready to go. Remember that I’ve been almost all the way to C4, so only the summit day is new ground.

Of course, everyone else is heading up but there are several possible summit days so the crowds will be spread out.

I will try to get a couple of blog updates posted, but they will be short.

Wish me luck!

Photos (click to enlarge)

Coughing my way to BC

Coughing my way to BC

Yak and Ama Dablam above Dingboche

Yak and Ama Dablam above Dingboche