[k2] Was that too harsh?

zontarK2 Expedition 2008

*Keep in mind that this blog is not to be quoted without my express written permission. And NOBODY has that permission. But I digress…
Not really. But today’s media demand either victims or heroes. The true victims are still on K2, and most of the true heroes are quietly heading home. Both groups will have their stories told, but not just yet. Two quotes come to mind:
“All that glitters is not gold…” J.R.R. Tolkien [edit–Tolkien did not write this, sorry] “Better to keep your mouth closed and have people think you’re a fool… etc. (was that Twain or Franklin or ??)
You might ask, ‘why haven’t you written about the people that were lost?’ Frankly, it is far, far too soon for me. I would rather do them justice than just dash off a quick obit. Each one is being written, slowly, in my head, as we speak.
Since I’ll be in BC for a few days, I’ll beg for a few more emails if you have the time 🙂